from the President

Announcing the Retraction of an Article from the November
Issue of the WFNS Newsletter, and the Appointment of a WFNS
Newsletter Editor
from the New Editor

A little more than a year ago,
waiting in my Inbox was the inaugural issue of the
WFNS Newsletter. In it,
President Yong-Kwang Tu expressed his aspirations for the Newsletter
as "a place where neurosurgeons from every region of the globe
can communicate with one another... goal of strengthening
communication between the members of our society in the years
ahead." It is hard to imagine that this essential
communication platform vital for an organization with over 130 member
societies representing over 30,000 neurosurgeons globally did not
exist until November 2014.
To Prof. Albert Rhoton Jr.
Prof. Albert L Rhoton Jr.

Every day, as new
batches of freshly trained and energetic neurosurgeons join the
global neurosurgical community, we also lose colleagues, mentors,
students, and friends. Every once in a while the collective sense of
loss of a legend and the remembrance of a great life lived calls for
a pause and a reflection. The passing of Dr. Albert L. Rhoton is such
an occasion.
In this
issue of the WFNS Newsletter, we will print three personal
reflections in an attempt to honor Dr. Rhoton, the person.
Dr. Albert Rhoton was truly
one of the great figures in modern Neurosurgery. He was one of the
Pioneers not only of micro-neurosurgery, but also in teaching us
about microsurgical anatomy in a way that had never been done before.
A wonderful clinician and surgeon, and an extraordinary teacher, he
was a brilliant role model who left a Legacy of excellence for all of
us who practice neurosurgery today, all over the world. Dr. Rhoton
traveled far and wide, and personally was responsible for 3 or 4
generations of neurosurgeons who have benefited from his experience
and his great skill in teaching.
Edward R. Laws, Jr., MD, FACS
Past President, World
Federation of Neurosurgical Societies
Department of Neurosurgery,
Brigham&Women's Hospital
reflection about Dr. Rhoton
by Professor Chang Jin Kim, MD
Department of Neurosurgery
Asan Medical Center
University of Ulsan

Report on attending the
funeral of the late Professor Albert L. Rhoton, Jr
by Shigeaki Kobayashi, MD
Honorary President, WFNS
Female Neurosurgeons in Indonesia
By Eveline Ndraha
Neurosurgery Department Siloam Hospitals
Balikpapan, East Kalimantan, Indonesia
5th Asian
Australasian Society of Neurological Surgeons'
Neurotrauma Committee and 2nd WFNS-Military Neurosurgeon's
Department of Neurosurgery ,S.M.S. Medical College, Jaipur
Neurotrauma Society of India President
Neurotrauma committee member of AASNS
Corresponding Member of EMN
Neurotrauma Society, Jaipur President
Neuroclub Jaipur Honorary Secretary
Neurosurgeon,Eternal Hospital,Jaipur,India