turknorosirurji.org.tr / 
To the Turkish Neurosurgery Society
Dear President,
It is our pleasure to welcome you to the 4-Day International Cadaveric Course for Minimal Invasive Spine Surgery, which is taking place on the 17th of November in the Medical School of Alexandroupolis, Democritus University of Thrace, Greece in co-operation with Jordanian Orthopaedic Association.
It is very important for us to organize and to participate in this 1st International Cadaceric Course for Minimal Invasive Spine Surgery in Greece. In recent years, minimally invasive techniques are increasingly used, in order to offer the best possible treatment to the patients. Transforaminal Lumbar Endoscopic Spinal Surgery is one of the most innovative, efficient and less traumatic procedures, for the disc hernias and foraminal stenosis.
MISS TLIF is a very promissing technique and mainly used in patients suffering from spinal stenosis, post laminectomy syndrome, pseudarthrosis etc.
It also very important for a Spine Specialist to be familiar with Spinal Injections in order to manage the low back pain ,the radiculopathy and the spinal stenosis in early stages. Many types of physicians can be qualified to perform an epidural steroid injection, facet joint injection, nerve root block, including an Anesthesiologist, Radiologist, Neurosurgeon and Spine Surgeon.
This scientific cadaveric course is targetted to all health care professionals and physicians, who would like to be up-to-date regarding the MISS operations, step by step analyzing in depth the capabilities and the limitations of all these techniques in Cadaveric speciments.
Been aware of your keen interest in surgical innovation, we wish to thank you in advance for attending the course.
We herebay would like to ask this Seminar to be organized under the auspices of the Turkish Neurosurgery Society. Hoping that our request will receive your favorable response, we remain at your disposal for any further information.
If possible, please upload the congress poster on your website, in order for your members to be informed.
For more information on the seminar please visit the website http://www.misspine2016.gr/
Yours Sincerely,
President of the 1st International Cadaveric Course for Minimal Invasive Spine Surgery
Stylianos N. Kapetanakis, MD, FRCS, PhD
Orthopaedic Surgeon - Spine Surgeon
Assistant Professor in Medical School of Alexandroupolis
Director of Spinal Unit and Deformities in the European Interbalkan Medical Center.
Click for Programme