Untitled Document

30th Annual Scientific Congress |

12. Neurosurgical Nursing
Congress |
Abstract Submission General Policies
The official congress language is Turkish other than foreign invited speaker's and English abstract sessions. The abstracts must be submitted through the online abstract agent present on the web page http://2016tndkongresi.org . Each abstract can be submitted only for one time. Name, surname and address details of all the authors should be mentioned clearly. The abstract is ought to be put in order as introduction, development, methods , conclusion and discussion. Abbreviations should be explained in a detailed way at the beginning. Sources are not mentioned generally but at compulsory situations, few of them can take place.The abstracts pertaining the researches done on the human beings, must provide conformance according to the ethic board rules and country laws. The abstract should not exceed 250 words excluding the author name and abstract title.
Congress Topics
The authors should mark one of the topics mentioned below during abstract submission process.
- Spine and Peripheral Nerve Surgery
- Pediatric Neurosurgery
- Neurooncologic Surgery
- Neurovascular Surgery
- Neurotrauma and Intensive Care
- Stereotactic and Functional Neurosurgery
- Surgical Neuroanatomy
- Miscellaneous
Abstract Submission
The abstracts must be submitted through the online abstract agent present on the web page http://2016tndkongresi.org.. For further assistance during submission, please kindly contact with Look Us INFORMATICS either by e-mail lookus@lookus.net or via by phone +90 216 372 66 44. If you will experience the online abstract agent fort he first time, please kindly register by clicking "New User" button. It is highly advised to beware the spelling mistakes. Please kindly note that the abstracts will be published as it is saved to the system. Please do not delete the confirmation e-mails received after the abstract submission process. It is possible to view the evaluation process of your abstracts through the system by using your own password and username.
The authors who had submitted an abstract and would like to apply for the abstract of the year, should mark the related box. The authors of the abstracts who had succeeded at the first round, will be kindly asked to prepare their abstract in powerpoint and submit through the agent for the 2nd tour of evaluation. The authors who had applied fo the abstract of the year, should prepare the last version of the abstract at least 3 weeks before the congress.
Abstract Submission Deadline
Februrary 26, 2016. Time 23:59
Evaluation of the Abstracts
Abstracts will be reviewed by the scientific committee and be held anonymously. In order to take into consideration, at least one of the authors should register. The notification letter will be sent to the authors after the evaluation process. The Congress Organizing Committee is fully entitled.
The evaluation of the abstracts by the "Scientific Committee" in electronical environment
It will then be announced
The Edition of the Abstracts
The accepted abstracts will be published as a supplement at the Turkish Neurosurgery Mag "30th Annual Scientific Congress of Turkish Neurosurgical Society". Kindly note that by submitting an abstract, the author accepts and allows his or her abstract to be published in advance.
Abstract Submission
The abstracts accepted as an oral presentation, will be presented and discussed at the specified date, time and hall under the surveillance of the moderators. The presentations should be delivered to the speaker preview room at least 3 hours before the presentation time. The control of the presentation will be kindly done by the charged personnel. In order to avoid the hitches, it is highly advised to be controlled together with the charged personel.