Max Aebi
Max Aebi, born 1948 and raised in Switzerland. Graduated from the Faculty of Medicine at the University of Bern in 1974/75. After work as a young surgeon in Ethiopia he completed residency and fellowships for Board certification as General Surgeon FMH 1982 and Orthopedic Surgeon
FMH 1983 in Switzerland.
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Vladimir Benes
Born July 30th 1953 in Prague, Czech Republic
Medical school 1973-1978 Charles Univ, Prague
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Sebastien Froelich
Department of Neurosurgery
Lariboisière University Hospital
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Andre Grotenhuis
Dr. Andre Grotenhuis has been appointed full Clinical Professor of Neurosurgery in 2001 at the Department of Neurosurgery at the Radboud UMC (Radboud University Medical Centre) Nijmegen, the Netherlands and from 1999‐2010 he has been the chairman of the department and the training program director.
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Shekar N. Kurpad
07/1995-06/1996 Intern, General Surgery University Hospitals of Cleveland Case Western Reserve University Cleveland, OH
07/1996-06/2001 Resident, Neurosurgery University Hospitals of Cleveland Case Western Reserve University Cleveland, OH
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Akio Morita
May 1982‐March 1989 Clinical and research assistant in the Department of
Neurosurgery, the University of Tokyo Hospital
July 29, 1988: Japanese Board of Neurological surgeon
April 1989‐December 1990: Clinical Fellowship in the Department of Neurosurgery, Mayo Clinic (Director; Prof. T M Sundt Jr.)
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George Samandouras
George Samandouras trained in Neurosurgery in Oxford receiving numerous teaching awards from the
University of Oxford before before becoming Consultant Neurosurgeon in November 2009 at the National
Hospital for Neurology and Neurosurgrey, the world's first institution specializing in brain pathologies.
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Karl Schaller
Professor Karl Schaller is Chairman of the Department of Neurosurgery at the Geneva University Medical Center and Faculty of Medicine at the University of Geneva since 2007. His expertise lies predominantly in dealing with neurovascular surgery, epilepsy, brain tumors and in image-co-registration for surgical navigation. Over a 25 year illustrious career he has over 200 publications in medical and scientific journals to his credit and has performed app. 5000 cranial and spinal surgeries.
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Volker Seifert
Medical exam at the Medical School Hannover
1981 - 1987
Residency at the Department of Neurosurgery of the Medical School Hannover
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Wolf Peter Sollmann
19.12.1956 Born in Minden/W.‐Germany
1963 ‐ 1974 School in Cologne, Leverkusen and Osnabrück
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Marcos Tatagiba
Medical Study
University of the State of Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, from 1980 to 1986
Residency Program in Neurosurgery
Neurosurgical Training from 1987 to 1993 at the Department of Neurosurgery, Nordstadt Hospital, Hannover, Germany, under the Chairmanship of Prof. Dr. Dr. Madjid Samii.
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Andreas Unterberg
Research fellow
(Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, DFG) Institute for Surgical Research, LMU - Munich, Germany
Research fellow
Institute for Surgical Research, Klinikum Großhadern, LMU - Munich, Germany (Director: Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. W. Brendel)
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Juergen Voges
since 2008
Professor for Stereotactic Neurosurgery, Otto‐von‐Guericke University, Magdeburg
Director, Department of Stereotactic Neurosurgery, University Hospital Magdeburg
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